Meditative Tarot Card

#8-STRENGTH~~Astrological sign of Leo {Also a card of the Military}

I want to share my secret with you.  I have learned to tame the beast from within, and I do it without strain.  I use my spiritual powers along with self-discipline and self-control which along with Spiritual Strength allows me to move forward in life.

True strength is demonstrated by the strength of mind and spirit; and it supported by the body.  The correct and persistent use of inner strength and mental powers can overcome adverse conditions and bring success and honor.

Put strength and determination into action.  With focused energy it will bring success.

**For our Military Troops**Clear, focused determination; helps you to move forward in any given situation.  ~~~The unsheathed sword that the soldier carries in his right hand has these words written upon the illuminated blade that recognizes truths and dispels non-truths.~~~

“Draw me not without cause, nor return me without honor”

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